the complexity of legal regulation is growing continuously and it is necessary to increase focus on compliance


The regulatory demands place a heavy burden on management, which is increasingly being met with redundancies, claims for compensation and criminal liability. Society’s demands and expectations result not only in legally binding regulation,but emerges also in non-binding norms of corporate social responsibility and ethical conduct.

offersen:christoffersen’s advice primarily covers the legal boundaries, but we also advise on corporate social responsibility and ethics.

o:c’s compliance counselling is not limited to providing a high quality advice at arm’s length, as we offer to engage in closer consultation and long-term engagement to ensure that the organisation, business or public authority in a real and practical manner strengthens its ability to comply with applicable rules and, in a wider sense, live up to the expectations of the outside world.

o:c does not roll out standard packages of internal guidance and procedures to its clients, as it is our experience that effective support og management requires a tailor-made process and ongoing counselling and exchange of issues – in order to ensure that our advice results in actual change in conduct.

Investigation by attorney may be adequate when suspicion of serious irregularities or misconduct emerges as a proper investigation may provide the necessary basis of management’s decision-making in matters of high complexity and sensitivity. o:c carries out investigations according to the standards established by the association Danske Advokater (“Danish Attorneys”) as these standards secure a high degree of quality of the investigation. It is not uncommon that the outcome of the investigation is made public, but the descision rests with the client as the investigation can be conducted confidentially.