nyheder : oktober 2023

Voldgiftsinstituttet: A Look into the Future at CAD 2023

Den fjerde udgave af Copenhagen Arbitration Day blev den 5. oktober 2023 afviklet på Børsen med mere end 200 deltagere, heraf en tredjedel af udlandet.

Advokat René Offersen er Co-Chair ved CAD og har i den egenskab udtalt sig til Voldgiftsinstituttets nyhedsbrev:

“Also René Offersen, Offersen Christoffersen – one of the key organisers behind the conference – is grateful for the opportunity to network and to participate in the rewarding discussions through-out the day.

“For me it was a perfect day blessed with new knowledge from the highest level. If I must highlight just one issue, it will be that technology will make a huge change in the near future. The use of AI in arbitration will have a huge impact on its development. Easier access to information will make the size of our cases grow and technology will change what we today see as important legal traditions, such as the conduct of oral hearings. In Denmark, it is still almost sacred to “have your day court” and ending the proceedings with closing remarks. In many other countries such closing remarks play a smaller and more withdrawn role and post hearing briefs have become common in international Arbitration. In the end of the day the change will also come to us – and we will have to get used to it – whether we like it or not,” he says.“

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