nyheder : august 2024

Voldgiftsinstituttets nyhedsbrev: Developing Arbitration amid Challenging Times

Copenhagen Arbitration Day 2024 afholdes den 4. september 2024 i Industriens Hus.

I den anledning indeholder Voldgiftsinstituttets nyhedsbrev en artikel om værdien af begivenheden. CAD 2024 Co-chairs af René Offersen, der siger bl.a. til artiklen:

”For the Danish Institute of Arbitration, the Copenhagen Arbitration Day plays in the same way an important role to our development. We simply need input from speakers and participants who come from all over the world, because it creates diverse conversations, debates and networks that enable us to make an already sophisticated service even sharper. At the same time the conference also helps to create confidence that we here in Denmark constantly are following and developing the services that the institute offers. In other words, the international audience understands that we are in the front row”.

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