nyheder : oktober 2020

globale Benchmark Litigation udpeger 11 danske Litigation Stars

Inden for specialistkompetencen retssagsførelse anses Benchmark Litigation for at være det førende institut. I sin netop offentliggjorte 2020-guide er René Offersen sammen med ti andre danske retssagsadvokater udpeget som Litigation Star. Betegnelsen Litigation Star afspejler: “The list of “local litigation stars” for each state reflects only those individuals who were recommended consistently as reputable and effective litigators by clients and peers.“ Iøvrigt oplyser Benchmark Litigation om sin metode:Research is conducted through extensive interviews with litigators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms.During these interviews, we examine recent casework handled by law firms and ask individual litigators to provide their professional opinions on peers and practitioners within their jurisdiction or practice area. 

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juli 2024

Historieprofessor Rasmus Mariager anmelder i Weekendavisen advokat René Offersens bog “Den uventede advokat” under overskriften “Guide til nye advokater”. Manchetten lyder: “Claus Hjort Frederiksens advokat