nyheder : september 2024

Voldgiftsinstituttet:  Arbitration and the New Generation

Copenhagen Arbitration Day 2024 blev det hidtil største med 230 deltagere. Advokat René Offersen var co-chair ved konferencen, hvilket han har været siden første CAD i 2018.

Voldgiftsinstituttet bringer i sit nyhedsbrev reportager om de forskellige indslag på dagen. I et interview med co-chair og generalsekretær Steffen Pihlblad og René Offersen:

What made the biggest impression this year was the change of age that has clearly developed since we held Copenhagen Arbitration Day for the first time just seven years ago,” says René Offersen, who is one of the founders of the annual conference, which this year took place on 4 September at the Confederation of Danish Industry.

“I am pleased that young lawyers take up much more space today. This is unequivocally positive and says something about the fact that international arbitration is developing in Denmark and that a new generation is embracing the profession. This year, I was reminded that this development has happened in a very short period. When we seven years ago organized the conference for the first time, the participants consisted of a number of well-known people from the Danish legal environment. But since then, the field of international has undergone major changes mainly due to globalization. The case is that if a Danish and, for example, Polish company, enter into a contract with a cross-border legal scope, they need to be sure that they can resolve any disputes without too many complications. I think the business attracts young lawyers in particular, because the global aspect means that you get an additional dimension to your professionalism,” says René Offersen.

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